When data protection in europe, then data business services.
For over 27 years Data Business Services has been providing comprehensive services in the area of data protection. Our clients value our single-source solutions. In-depth knowledge of IT is combined with end-to-end legal expertise. Focusing on the areas of data privacy and protection, IT security and information security, we support clients throughout Europe and act as a “bridge” to Europe for U.S. enterprises. We value proximity to our customers, that’s why we are present in Munich, Hannover, London, Dublin, New York, Charlotte, Austin, Palo Alto and Singapore.
What exactly characterizes the clients of Data Business Services? Primarily they are B2B corporations, operating on a European or international level – renowned enterprises as well as successful industrial corporations and medium-sized businesses, plus medical facilities and hospitals. In short: Businesses with a distinct necessity for security, for whom data protection is a top priority matter.
Our technically and legally trained consultants offer expertise in the following fields:

The list of data protection and data security issues and requirements depend on the size of an enterprise, and its European or even international orientation.
We service national and international clients in the EU from various locations in the USA, Asia, United Kingdom and maintain branch offices in Northern and Southern Germany.
EC Representative – EC REP | EU REP | EU Representative
Data Business Services provides you with all the services of an EC-Representative | EU Representative GDPR for data protection. With Data Business Services as your EC-Representative you can be sure that your company is on the right track regarding GDPR compliance. And with an EC-Representative EC REP | EU REP in Europe, you are well prepared for all European privacy inquiries that may arise.
A company that is regulated by the GDPR but has no physical presence in Europe is must establish an official representative located in the EU.
Clients from a wide variety of industries
play safe with us:
- A worldwide producer of mobile communication technology
- A global database industry company
- A market leader in pump construction technology
- A provider and operator of telemetry solutions for heart patients
- A global company for IT-security hardware and software
- A global player in the virtualization industry
- A market leader in mail handling and mail logistic
- A European pharmaceutical enterprise
At Data Business Services, the sensitive handling of data includes respecting the privacy of our clients. Therefore, we refrain from presenting a list of actual company names here. We are more than happy to discuss our reference solutions with you in a personal exchange.
American Data Protection and Privacy Act (ADPPA)
It is true, the American Data Protection and Privacy Act (ADPPA) is still in draft status. But nevertheless Data Business Services is starting to get acquainted already to a privacy law which might be the Global Standard soon. Businesses not on GDPR level currently should use the time to level up to GDPR.
Then it is only a small step towwards a timely and smart implementation of the new USA Federal Privacy Law (ADPPA).
Our Offices in the USA: Palo Alto, Charlotte, New York are ready to support you on strategy and implementation planning.
The EU Representative
With headquarters in the Munich area, Germany, Data Business Services GmbH & Co. KG (DBS) is an international privacy company with effective presence in the EU and the USA and ASIA (South Korea). The goal of the DBS is to help its client companies comply with privacy laws. As one of the outstanding privacy corporations, the DBS is pleased to present one of its products, The EU Representative, to you.
Please kindly read the following paragraphs for a better understanding of the said product.
Swiss Representative | Swiss REP
Data Business Services provides you with all the services of a Swiss Representative for data protection. With Data Business Services located in Zurich, Switzerland as your Swiss Representative you can be sure that your company is set for complete nFADP compliance. And with a Swiss Representative in Switzerland, you are prepared for all Swiss privacy inquiries that may arise.